Saturday, August 30, 2014

Toddlers’ Temper Tantrums

Heard that when my child was one and half year old. Initially, I had no idea about what my child was going through.

One day she was crying continuously for no reasons.There was this day I thought she was suffering from severe stomach pain and took care of all the remedies. I even called my husband from office when he was in important meeting saying that  child is crying non-stop, and I being first-time mother had no clue of doing anything to stop it.

The weird thing happened another day; she stopped crying if I take her outside. So I stood outside from that day. My child has become familiar in my apartment as everyone asked me “is this the kid crying loudly?; I even spent entire day in a shopping mall fearing that if I bring her home, she will cry.

I prayed to God some miracle should happen to stop her from crying. There were days I sought help from priest ranging from all the religions. They sprinkled water and chanted the mantra on her. Nothing worked out. Somehow we identified it as a tantrum by searching it in Google., eventually I took her to the doctor.
Finally, my baby’s temper tantrum came to an end, after I applied the following strategies. Thanks to the articles and doctor’s advice.

What I have done to get rid of my baby’s tantrum
  • If a child starts crying continuously for no reason or silly reasons, immediately take the baby to a different room or change the environment. Try to distract the baby.
  • The most useful step is to lock her/him in the room until the crying stops.(though it is a hard thing to do)
  • Make sure he/she does not suffer from physical discomfort or trying to seek attention.
  • Implement proper sleeping pattern. If a child takes a nap during the afternoon, do not plan shopping or anything at that time.

Above all, Patience and perseverance are the key mantras for all the super moms. They say temper tantrum is the real sign of brain development of the baby. The babies try to live on their own terms.

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